Faith in technological progress and social coexistence are put to the test every day. When political and ecological events overlap in an interconnected world, we perceive them as ever more present and yet more fragmented. The individual point of view can shift to increasingly uncertain territory. Both the future of society itself and the way we negotiate it are revealed to be uncertain. Asking not only oneself but also others about the future therefore remains all the more relevant and shows itself as a process of interaction and communication.
The exhibition 'Aus heutiger Sicht. Diskurse über Zukunft' (From Today's Perspective. Discourses on the Future) deals with the challenges of the present and an uncertain future. It presents positions from the fields of art and design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach. Starting with the atmosphere of the present and the observation that there are numerous possible versions of the future, the exhibition raises a multitude of questions. They accompany the exhibits and open up associative approaches. Speculative scenarios of what is conceivable and possible will be highlighted.
Beatrice Bianchini, Irina Denkmann, Jonas Deuter, Ulrike Grünewald, Sebastian Hahn, Felix Kosok, Erika Lowin, Maria Sitte, Anna Sukhova, Ellen Wagner, Prof. Matthias Wagner K
Beatrice Bianchini, Erika Lowin
Armin Arndt, Ken Rodenwaldt, Jakob Riga
Text Generation
Modell: Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 / GPT-2 / OpenAI / Read Paper
Datenauswahl: 100+ Years of Design Manifestos (1986-2009), geschriebener Text des Kuratoriums
Pixel Generation
Modell: Image Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 / Image-GPT-2 / OpenAI / Read Paper
Datenauswahl: CIFAR-10, Projektbilder der Teilnehmer:innen
Good and Cheap Translators,
Projects and programme
Ann-Li Crump